Reading and Writing – New Zealand – National Standards
7.RS – The reading standard
Key characteristics of texts that students read at this level
7.RS.1 – The texts that students use to meet the reading demands of the curriculum at this level will often include:
7.RS.1.a – Elements that require interpretation, such as complex plots, sophisticated themes, and abstract ideas
7.RS.1.b – Complex layers of meaning, and/or information that is irrelevant to the identified purpose for reading (that is, competing information), requiring students to infer meanings or make judgments
7.RS.1.c – Non-continuous text structures and mixed text types
7.RS.1.d – Sentences that vary in length, including long, complex sentences that contain a lot of information
7.RS.1.e – Adverbial clauses or connectives that require students to make links across the whole text
7.RS.1.f – Academic and content-specific vocabulary
7.RS.1.g – Words and phrases with multiple meanings that require students to know and use effective word-solving strategies to retain their focus on meaning
7.RS.1.h – Metaphor, analogy, and connotative language that is open to interpretation
7.RS.1.i – Illustrations, photographs, text boxes, diagrams, maps, charts, and graphs, containing main ideas that relate to the text’s content.
7.WS – The writing standard
Key characteristics of students' writing at this level
7.WS.1 – These texts will include, when appropriate:
7.WS.1.a – Content that is concise and relevant to the curriculum task and that often includes detail and/or comment supporting or elaborating on the main points
7.WS.1.b – Paragraphs within which the ideas are clearly related and links within and between paragraphs
7.WS.1.c – Grammatically correct sentences
7.WS.1.d – Words and phrases that are appropriate to the topic, register, and purpose, including expressive, academic, and subject-specific vocabulary.