
Here are some of the reasons why parents and teachers love Studyladder.

“I like the changes you've made colour coding in pink and blue and the characters. This is absolutely brilliant site from a teachers point of veiw and the kids are very engaged in maths. Great for using on my class Smartboard as well. Keep up the good work.”

Christine Burnett, Teacher

“Great site! My kids ask me every day if they can go on it. Their math skills have improved greatly. Thank you!”

, Teacher

“I just wanted to say that I've been using your program for a few years and I really enjoy using the site. The same can be said for all the students from year 1 to year 5 that really love the site as well. The changes, now including literacy are wonderful. It motivates students of all ages. Thanks again.”

Narelle M, Teacher

“Have been using studdy ladder for two terms I am enjoying the increased resources and have had excellent feedback from parents Thanks”

Debbie Pruden, Teacher

“This website is fantastic for introducing students to a range of vocabulary and grammar. They really enjoy the challenges and seeing their results.”

Amander, Teacher

What people are saying about us...

“Thank you for a wonderful product. My daughter has had a huge boost from using Study-ladder.”

Georgia B, Parent

“I love using Studyladder in my class. The students love working hard to get rewards. I love it because it is marked and very easy to monitor student progress. A fantastic online resource”

Tim L , Teacher

“ Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are a homeschooling family with special needs. It is the only program that is really helping my children.”

Naomi O, Homeschool

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