
Here are some of the reasons why parents and teachers love Studyladder.

“You are awesome for providing all this! After watching the videos my class can power into their maths knowledge learning. They are becoming so quick with their tables. Thanks, Angela Scroggins”

Angela S, Teacher

“OMG - I cannot believe the wealth of resources available on this site - I am SO impressed. Please do not start charging schools for this site, like so many are doing! I have some low income families and they would never afford to pay for it at home and I know our school would not pay for it either - As a classroom teacher and parent - I cannot rave enough about this site! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!”

Name Withheld, Teacher

“You are awesome for providing all this! After watching the videos my class can power into their maths knowledge learning. They are becoming so quick with their tables!”

Angela Scroggins, Teacher

“My son has recently started using your product called Studyladder. He absolutely loves doing his homework by using your product. I have never seen him so motivated. I just thought it would be good for you to know that you have made a difference to his attitude towards learning. I am truly happy to have found this site...its helping both my boys immensely"”

Maree, Parent

“I continue to be delighted and amazed by the resources you provide to schools for free! I have just been browsing your safety modules - absolutely terrific. Thank you!”

Rose Pengelly, Kulnura Public School, Teacher

What people are saying about us...

“Thank you for a wonderful product. My daughter has had a huge boost from using Study-ladder.”

Georgia B, Parent

“I love using Studyladder in my class. The students love working hard to get rewards. I love it because it is marked and very easy to monitor student progress. A fantastic online resource”

Tim L , Teacher

“ Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are a homeschooling family with special needs. It is the only program that is really helping my children.”

Naomi O, Homeschool

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