
Here are some of the reasons why parents and teachers love Studyladder.

“This website is amazing and very easy to use! Thank-you so much! ”

Amy, Teacher

“I love that I can see when and which of my students are doing what. Wonderful site - my kids have been doing maths VOLUNTARILY - at home on the weekends! Even my weaker students!! Suggestion: It would be great if I could prioritise tasks for specific students, i.e., harder tasks for the more able students, easier ones for the weaker ones...”

Angela M, Teacher

“This site is awesome! There are so many great resources and fun whiteboard activities!!”

Michelle, Teacher

“This site is well set out and works well with continous steps in improving students mathematical knowledge. The short videos are great too, helping them get some understanding about different concepts. This is something I'll share with teachers at my school. Well Done!!”

Brent, Teacher

“fantastic site!!! kids find it easy to use but challenges them too”

Sophie Baines, Teacher

What people are saying about us...

“Thank you for a wonderful product. My daughter has had a huge boost from using Study-ladder.”

Georgia B, Parent

“I love using Studyladder in my class. The students love working hard to get rewards. I love it because it is marked and very easy to monitor student progress. A fantastic online resource”

Tim L , Teacher

“ Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are a homeschooling family with special needs. It is the only program that is really helping my children.”

Naomi O, Homeschool

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