
Here are some of the reasons why parents and teachers love Studyladder.

“Really enjoying the flexibility of study ladder. Using it every week. Great communication tool, and I have had lots of parents joining as full members”

Debbie Pruden, Teacher

“What an amazing record of work done....even after one has deleted the task!”

Janine Brideoake, Teacher

“This is awesome. My 6 year old boy hated addition before this. Even Mum and Dad tried the highest level with the timer ...boy that was hard! The kids loved it”

Trena McFarland, Parent

“This program will work great with my students because of the different learning levels of my students.”

Veronica H, Teacher

“I love it! I have only been on for 5 minutes and find it very useful and easy to use. I think my whole school will benefit from your site!!!!”

Alise L, Teacher

What people are saying about us...

“Thank you for a wonderful product. My daughter has had a huge boost from using Study-ladder.”

Georgia B, Parent

“I love using Studyladder in my class. The students love working hard to get rewards. I love it because it is marked and very easy to monitor student progress. A fantastic online resource”

Tim L , Teacher

“ Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are a homeschooling family with special needs. It is the only program that is really helping my children.”

Naomi O, Homeschool

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