Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension Tasks
Kinder- I am Busy
- We Love To Jump
- I Am Happy
- I Can Run
- I Think I Can
- What Can You See?
- We Can Do It
- We Are At School
- This is My Uniform
- My Dress Is Red
- I Like Bananas
- My Fruit Salad
- There Is A Red Truck
- This Is My Story
- Are You Happy?
- How Do You Feel Today?
- At The Zoo
- Who Am I
- Farm Animals
- Baby Animals
- Sally The Swan
- I Love My Dog
- I Love Sport
- Big Feet Little Feet
- Funny Frogs
- Opposites
- Ball Games
- Where Can We Play?
- My Brother Ken
- Things I like
- Look What We Can Do
- I Have Beautiful Hair
- Where Am I?
- I Like The Beach
- Eating
- I Love Cooking
- Who Likes Picnics?
- Wash Your Hands Dan!
- Do You Like Cats?
- What Do Animals Like?
- Five Balloons
Reading Comprehension Tasks
Grade 1- I Love Animals
- Time To Wash The Dog
- I Have Red Hair
- A Visit To The Hairdresser
- Little Brother's Haircut
- Omar's Family
- When I Was A Baby
- Where Is Teddy?
- Sporting Girls Are Strong
- Sporting Boys are Strong
- Clouds
- I Wear Glasses
- My Dog Rusty
- No More Training Wheels
- A Visit To The Farm
- Saturdays Are The Best
- Ballet Class
- Dinosaurs
- Sun Safety
- Road Safety
- A Visit To The Dentist
- Gymnastics Class
- Best Friends
- Pets
- I Love Soccer
- Loose Tooth!
- I Like Fruit
- How would I look?
- Visitors
- Pam Possum
Reading Comprehension Tasks
Grade 2- The Wedding
- Going To The Hairdresser
- Chinese New Year
- A Visit To The Doctor
- A Visit To The Dentist
- A Visit To The Optometrist
- We Work At The Hospital
- My Mother's Operation
- The Animal Hospital
- Riding My Bike To School
- Let's Take A Walk In My Town
- The Street Market
- Wool Production
- The Wool Mill
- The Wheat Farm
- The Dairy Farm
- The Cheese Factory
- How To Make Pancakes
- Making Pizza
- The Tadpole's Secret
- The Frog Pond
- My Froggy Friend
- Beautiful Butterfly, Where Have You Been?
- How Does a Caterpillar Become a Butterfly?
- The Butterfly House
- I love Animals
- Australian Marsupials
- What do Animals Need to Survive?
- I Was Hungry!
- The Busy City
- Public Transport
- Exporting Barley
- At The Airport
- I Swim All Day
- Bill, My Clever Cockatoo
- My Friends
- Teddy's Operation
- Ants
- Pen Pals- Letter from Australia
- Pen Pals- Letter from Japan
- My Plane Trip to The Netherlands
Reading Comprehension Tasks
Grade 3- I'd Like To Fly!
- Watch Me Fly!
- Which Mammals Fly?
- I Wonder
- Aunt Cathy's Wedding
- My Christmas Day
- I've got Chicken Pox
- My Friend Jenny is Lactose Intolerant
- What Do Plants Need to Grow?
- Growing Plants from Cuttings
- The Ancient Japanese Art of Bonsai
- Four Seasons
- Let’s Go To The Beach
- Jellyfish
- The Lucky Day
- My Day in the Park
- My BFF
- Aunt Kirsty's Horses
- Our Town Springs to Life in November
- Our Local Playground
- Belling The Cat
- The Hare and the Tortoise
- Three Billy Goats Gruff
- What Did I See?
- When I Woke Up
- Don't Worry - You're Just Dreaming!
- Eiffel Tower
- Our Opera House Excursion
- The Sun
- The Moon
- Day and Night
- Kaleidoscopes
- Isaac Newton's Experiment With Light
- Transparent or Translucent or Opaque?
- Magnets
- How do Magnets Work?
- Hot Air Rises
- The World's First Flight
- Digging In The Sand
- The Water Cycle
- The Seasons
- The Rainy Season
- Weather Forecasts
Reading Comprehension Tasks
Grade 4- Photosynthesis
- Gina's Great Vegetable Soup
- Worms
- Worm Farms
- Red Fire Ants
- Interesting Facts About Ants
- Insects
- Snails
- Phasmids
- How Do Bees Make Honey?
- Happy Birthday!
- Birthday Traditions
- How To Make A Paper Plane
- How to Make a Pompom
- Directions! Directions!
- Apples
- I Love Bananas!
- Nuts and Seeds
- We Love a Good Mystery!
- Corn
- Growing Rice
- Sugarcane
- Mammals
- Elephants
- Tigers
- Microbats and Megabats
- Reptiles
- Crocodiles
- Amphibians
- Dinosaurs
- Mary Anning
- Dinosaurs Galore
- Mother’s Day
- Jack
- Dragons In The Sky
- Ungrateful Pets
- Sundials
- The Time Machine
- Mr H Bear
- Fairies in my Garden
- Cottingley Fairies
- Reverend Wilbert Awdry: The Man Behind Thomas The Tank Engine
- Jungfraujoch Cog Railway
- How Do We Hear?
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Sign Language
- How Do We See?
- Braille
- Louis Braille
- Walking on the Moon
- Planets of the Solar System
- The International Space Station
- Sir Edmund Halley
- Herbivores
- Food Chains
- Herbivore, Carnivore or Omnivore?
- I'd Like To Be a Bird
- The Archimedes Water Screw
- Windmills of Kinderdijk
Reading Comprehension Tasks
Grade 5- Opposites Attract
- How To Make a Temporary Magnet
- Can Magnets Be Turned Off?
- A Surprise in a Book
- Manufacturing Paper
- The Printing Press
- The Leaning Tower of Pisa
- Venice
- The Great Barrier Reef
- Australia's Great Barrier Reef (poem)
- Dolphins
- Deep Sea Angler Fish
- The Venus Fly Trap
- The Glass Frog
- I Wish
- James Cook Timeline
- Marco Polo
- Mount Everest
- A Most Fantastic Morning!
- Mouth Watering Science
- Bird Nests
- What is Gold?
- History of Gold
- Antarctic Animals
- Penguins
- Emperor Penguins
- Working in Antarctica
- Douglas Mawson
- Most Southern Land
- Winter to Spring
- Why Do We Have Seasons?
- Deserts
- How Do Plants and Animals Survive in the Desert?
- Camels
- How Camels Survive in the Desert
- Horrible Little Monsters
- All About Ticks
- What is a Tropical Rainforest?
- Plants of the Daintree Rainforest
- Animals of the Daintree Rainforest
- Strangler Figs
- Locusts and Grasshoppers
- How Does a Mirror Work?
- Rainbows
- How Greenhouses Work
- Polar Bears
Reading Comprehension Tasks
Grade 6- Tectonic Plates
- Continental Drift
- Earthquakes
- Volcanoes
- Santorini
- Vulcan's Revenge
- Wave Action
- Tsunamis
- The Australian Gold Rushes
- The Eureka Rebellion
- Netball
- Jimmy Hall and Basketball
- Diwali
- Tian Tan Big Buddha Statue
- The Ganges River
- Taj Mahal
- Vincent Van Gogh
- Claude Monet
- The Theft of the Mona Lisa
- The Great Pyramid of Giza
- Abu Simbel
- Timeless Water
- Earth's Magnetic Field
- The Greenhouse Effect
- The Ozone Layer
- Global Warming
- The Extinction of the Thylacine
- The Extinction of the Dodo
- The Amazon Rainforest
- Brazil Nuts
- I'm Getting Taller (or my jeans are shrinking!)
- Memories of a Dragon
- So Many Questions!
- Microbes
- Stop The Spread of Germs
- Penicillin
- The Great Wall of China
- Hadrian's Wall
- The Berlin Wall
- Phidias the sculptor and the Temple of Zeus
- The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World